Charlottesville Bicycle Club

New Website Features

September 12, 2024

Filtered Ride Calendar:  The Ride Calendar can now display rides filtered by various categories, including A, B, or C rides, Road Rides, Gravel Rides, or Social Events.  You can switch between views using the selectors at the top of the calendar.

Ride Signup:  We are now encouraging members to sign up for club rides.  Ride pages now feature a  prominent green Sign Up For Ride button.  Just click the link, confirm your name and email (you must be logged in to your account), enter any additional information (route or distance you plan to ride, etc.), and click on the Sign Up button.  The page will display the names of the current attendees.  Encourage your friends to join the fun by adding your name to the list and see who else has signed up.  The pre-existing Comments section will remain available for other questions or comments; you do not need to use both features just to sign up for a ride. 

Note: Only members are allowed to sign up for rides, and the signup list will not be visible to non-members.  Signing up for a ride is entirely optional.

Items For Sale:  Members can now post to a classified section on the Post Items For Sale under the Members menu.  Offered items are listed on the Items For Sale page under the Club Information menu and can be seen by the public.Â