Charlottesville Bicycle Club

Follow Up From The Club President

January 12, 2022


After six months of strategizing, planning, incorporating, designing, building, testing, drafting, revising, and revising some more, on January 1 we announced the new Charlottesville Bicycle Club. A refreshed brand, an expanded mission, and a new website went live. Then we held our breath waiting to see what would happen. We didn’t have to wait long. Support for the new venture was immediate, and incredibly positive. And it continues. To CBC’s charter members of 2022, thank you!

Now comes the fun part… riding! Conditions haven’t been very favorable since the new year, but we’re hopeful the snow, ice, and cold will leave us alone long enough to get in some of the road rides currently on the January schedule. Additional rides are being planned for the month, so check back for updates. The February schedule will be announced soon.

Members are encouraged to take advantage of your club-provided benefits, including discounts on orders with RoadID (through Jan. 21) and for individual memberships to the League of American Bicyclists. Also sign up for your Ride with GPS Club Account, which will give you access to outstanding navigation features and an expanded route library.

Behind the scenes, we’re continuing to work on next steps for the benefit of the club’s membership. Gravel rides, C- and D-class rides, and coffee socials are being developed. If you are interested in helping to organize any of these events, we’d love to hear from you. The more members get involved, the more your CBC can do for you!

See you on the bike soon.

Todd Stansbury, President